Saturday, August 3, 2019

How much do you practice?

Well, I wasn't sure I was going into music, so I didn't practice much.  Sometimes, I played and sang Broadway too for abut 2 hours at a time maybe.  I was thinking of doing musicals, too.

Sometimes when I was older, I tried singing a lot, but it wasn't working out.  Perhaps, I needed to do more than sing along with musical theater.  It might be something people learn over the years, not just cramming it into a short period of time.  They probably do proper warmups and such and have a repertoire of literature and new things, along with the fun of being in school on a schedule rather than being a blob.

I must have gotten good other ways:
- strength from gymnastics from age 1 3/4 - almost into puberty
- ballet as a teenager
- church choir age 8-18 mostly
- dedication to piano and listening to music at age 9
- rare opportunity getting into organ
- obsession with musical theater
- did well in school though it took time away from practicing too much, especially when I didn't realize I didn't need extra high school classes if I wanted to do music instead, though it got me in some nice colleges

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